Unexplored shades of Draupadi
In Association with:

December 5, 2021
6 PM
Roopeiria Auditorium, Wellington Cantt., Coonoor, Tamil Nadu

A Choreographic Dance Production inspired by the book Palace of Illusions written by Ms. Chitra Banerjee, Krishnaangi is the portrayal of the divine characters of Draupadi & Krishna, their never before explored aspects in classical dance and their intellectual relationship with each other. Divided across 4 excerpts the story of Krishnaangi is a unique depiction exploring the unknown aspects of the life of Draupadi incarnated for this Choreography as Krishnaangi .
Ms. Priyanka Srikrishnan
Choreography, Script Writing, Compilation & Design:
Ms. Priyanka Srikrishnan & Ms. Neelakshi Khandkar
60 minutes
Shri O.S. Arun & Pt. Rajendra Gangani
Costumes, Backdrop & Stage Design:
Ms. Akila Srikrishnan
About the Artists

Priyanka Srikrishnan
Received her initial training at Gwalior under Dr.Bhagwandas Manik and her advanced training under the Pt. Rajendra Gangani at the Kathak Kendra, New Delhi, Priyanka has travelled widely across the country and been a part of reputed dance festivals.
Priyanka is also a Certified Movement Therapy Facilitator and regularly conducts various workshops and awareness programs through Dance as a medium of catharsis.

Neelakshi Khandkar
Neelakshi received her initial training in Kathak at Nagpur under Lt. Dr. Smt Sadhana Naphde and her advanced training under the maestro Pt. Rajendra Gangani at the Kathak Kendra, New Delhi.
Neelakshi has worked with exponents of Kathak Fraternity and has extensively travelled across the world and been a part of reputed dance festivals and has been a repetory member of the Kathak Kendra and is also a graded artist of the Delhi Doordarshan.

The unexplored shades of Draupadi
Please Note: This is not a Virtual / Online Event.

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